Teachers’ Facilitation of Classroom Science Discussions:

Grade 5 Science Discussions 2011-2012


We analyzed pre- and post-concept cartoon discussions conducted by eleven Grade 5 teachers in 2011-2012 (teacher names appearing in the report are pseudonyms). It should be noted that Ms. Linden and Ms. Cowell co-taught the science class and the data from their classroom are represented as a single data point “Linden-Cowell” in this analysis. The sample size for the analysis consisted 14 pre- and post-discussions because three of the teachers taught multiple classes.

As part of the Talk Science professional development, we introduced teachers to a set of academically productive talk moves (APT moves). The APT moves were talk strategies designed to promote students’ scientific reasoning, and their co-construction of science understandings with peers. The purpose of this analysis was to identify changes in the culture of science talk in classrooms as teachers used APT moves to foster students’ scientific reasoning.