Investigating Standard Measures 2:

How much do the cubes weigh in grams?

2. Measure and record the gram weights

Small Groups 15 Mins Notebook

Students work in small groups to weigh their cubes and record the weight in grams in their science notebooks. As they finish, students enter their results in the class table.

Cube Material Weight #1 (grams) Weight #2 (grams) Weight #3 (grams) Final Weight (grams)

Table Note: Classes with more than 16 students will need part of a third set of cubes in order for every student to weigh a cube. Classes with more than 24 students will need a forth column.

Note: See the Science Background for more information about the cube weights.

Review the results in the class table. If cubes of the same type have weight differences of a full gram or more, ask students to swap the cubes in question and weigh them one more time. Finally, have students record in their science notebooks the agreed-upon “Final Weight” of the full set of cubes.