Investigating Materials 5:

How do materials help us in our classroom?

3. Collaborate with a partner

Pairs 10 Mins Notebook

When students have completed their drawing and recording, invite them to exchange drawings with a partner of their choosing. Introduce the word collaboration and explain that it means “working together” and “sharing your best ideas with another person to improve each other’s work.” Explain that scientists frequently collaborate with other scientists to get new ideas and make joint discoveries.

Recall the criteria for successful drawings that you previously listed on the board. Ask the partners to review each other’s work seriously, then to make any changes to their own drawings that would help someone understand the materials a pencil is made of and why. Perhaps say:

Teaching tip: As you circulate among the groups, ask questions and focus the students’ attention on parts, materials, properties, and uses. To anticipate the next unit you might ask, “How much do you think this object weighs?”

  • You might be able to help your partner make a more scientific drawing.
  • Think about how your partner paid attention to line, shape, and color.
  • Will others need more notes to understand the materials the pencil is made of?

When partners are satisfied with their drawings, have them share them with another pair of students. Encourage all students to continue reviewing and revising their work until the time is up.