4. Air, a Gas:  Investigation 16

What are some properties of air? (3)

2. Use the Particle Magnifier

All Class 5 Mins

Remind students that air is made of particles too small and too spread out to see. Show the Particle Magnifier once again, asking students to look for the changes that occur at the particle level when air temperature is increased or decreased. Draw attention to the connection between increased temperature and increased particle speed.

Temp Notes Likely student observations
+50°C Show air.
  • The particles of air are spread farther apart.
  • The particles are moving faster.
  • There is more water vapor in with the air.
+2°C Show air.
  • The particles of air are closer together.
  • The particles are moving more slowly.
  • There is less water vapor in with the air.

Optional:  The Science Notebook page [Particle Magnifier air particles] is available for you to assign if time permits.